Celebrating You and YOur connection to 4-H: National 4-H Week; Oct. 8
Each year as fall rolls around, so does a new 4-H year and National 4-H Week! It is only fitting that the 4-H year starts at the time of harvest. In order to harvest anything, you must first plant the seeds and nurture the crop.
During this National 4-H Week, we want to celebrate you and your connection and contribution to Montana 4-H.
Because of you, 4-H can exist as we know it in Montana. We are excited to share with you a sampling of the impact of your generosity.
We think of our 4-H youth as the finest and most important crop we have in Montana. 4-H can only exist the way we know it today because of you and your contribution.
Thank you so much for all the ways you have contributed year after year to the most valuable resource we have- our youth!
Please take a moment to look at our annual report and see what we have done together for Montana youth and communities through 4-H.
After being on the show, Jane Wolery, Executive Director for the Montana 4-H Foundation, said, "I've watched numerous episodes of Montana Ag Live over the years and it seems so many questions have to do with the commodities and crops we are growing in Montana. People are concerned about the conditions a crop faces, the risks faced trying to get a good yield, how to keep diseases at bay, etc.
It occurs to me that we at the Montana 4-H Foundation are doing the same thing. We work hard to make sure our most important crop, our youth, have what they need to be resilient and grow strong. It takes a certain amount of input of time, energy, and financial resources to grow any crop. The same is true for growing our 4-H youth.
We are so honored that we are part of the protective factors for youth in our state, working to help them be a strong and sustainable crop contributing to and leading their communities for years to come. Thank you to all those who help us with inputs through donations to make sure we can fortify 4-H youth through the Montana 4-H Foundation."
Thank you so much for your part in the bountiful harvest of 4-H!
Please help us plant the seeds of tomorrow by sharing this message with others who might enjoy some good news
about a great yield!
If anyone wants to receive these messages directly, they can contact us at [email protected].
Jane Wolery
Executive Director
Kelsey Proue
Business Manager
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NOvember 2024
Montana 4-H: Beyond Ready!; Nov. 27
Beyond Ready!
In 4-H it is our goal to help youth develop skills so that they are Beyond Ready to serve and lead in their communities and careers.
Montana 4-H Foundation Executive Director, Jane Wolery was invited to the Glacier County 4-H Achievement Day this fall. At the event, fourteen youth were recognized for their service and leadership in their community.
Jane has been involved in 4-H for numerous decades, so she wasn’t surprised at the great work our youth are doing in the communities. She was, however, grateful for the reminder. And, in many cases, these youth received funding and support through our Montana 4-H Foundation People Partner Grants.
Please read a few of the great contributions of these 4-H members and know that you and your contributions help these programs happen in many counties across the state.
You are part of making 4-H youth Beyond Ready to be part of the solutions in our world! We know that if you went to any county in this state, you would find 4-H youth involved in similar service to their communities.
Service Projects:
Making and delivering May Baskets to residents in a care facility
Assisting with a Children’s Christmas Store
Beautifying their communities with new flowerbeds and renovating vacant building store fronts
Leading Cloverbuds (planning lessons for 20-30 youth ages 5-8.)
Planning and serving a Farm to Table Dinner
Making 34 blankets for residents in a care facility
Planning and teaching at a Cloverbud Camp
Community branding project
Fundraising for community and statewide nonprofits
Organizing Soup and Bread Dinner to support Meals on Wheels
Leading project workshops and lessons
Serving as a 4-H Camp Counselor
Working with 4-H Clubs on a variety of group community service projects
Improving Fair facilities – from sanding and painting picnic tables to building wash racks and purchasing freezers and more
Planning, implementing, and leading county fair activities
Serving on local councils and statewide boards
These 4-H members are learning, assisting, leading, teaching, collaborating, contributing ... above and beyond! They are Beyond Ready to be a force for good!
Thank you to the following youth for being an inspiration of service and contribution:
Destini Anderson, Addisyn Bengtson, Elyse Bengtson, Olivia Bradley, Ashlyn Brown, Brad Hjartarson, Sammie McCauley, Sebastian McKenzie, Emily Roberts, Janae Roberts, Lexi Stubbs, Katelyn Suta, Morgan Wilder, and Beretta Winkowitsch
A special thank you to Olivia Bradley, 4-H member, who led a fundraising and community vitality event and split the proceeds between her home community and the Montana 4-H Foundation. We appreciate her efforts and the community contributions so that $1000 can support other youth endeavors across Montana.
P.S. How did 4-H get you Beyond Ready for your life? Tell us by email at [email protected] or reach out to us by phone/text with a number below.
Jane Wolery, Executive Director 406-209-8407
Kelsey Proue, Program Director 406-209-9938
Victoria Kirby, Student Assistant 406-209-9686
Please forward this message to others who are Beyond Ready to receive good news about Montana 4-H members.
If anyone wants to receive these messages directly, they can contact us at [email protected] or register to receive at https://www.mt4hfoundation.org/ Scroll to bottom of page to enter information.
Jane Wolery
Executive Director
Kelsey Proue
Business Manager
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Its A Date With 4-H! A gift to enjoy 365 days a year! Don Greytak Calendars for Sale.; Nov. 29
It’s a Date with 4-H! A gift to enjoy 365 days a year! Don Greytak 4-H Calendars for Sale.
Mark your calendars to support 4-H through buying your Montana 4-H Greytak Calendars.
The incomparable Don Greytak has done it again. He has provided his talent and created another calendar with thirteen new images.
The talented Don Greytak from the Havre area has been helping us with this project for nearly 35 years. At 88 years young, Don looks forward each year to creating the images for the next calendar!
Don really captures the nostalgia of rural living. The first calendar came out in 1992 and Don has been so dedicated. He has not repeated an image in all those years, so that is 429 drawings! In case you are doing math, that is 12 images for each month and one for the front cover.
No matter how you equate it, Don’s contributions have been multiplied by your purchases throughout all those years. That adds up to thousands of youth and volunteers getting the skills they need for success through 4-H.
Please make room in your calendar to forward this message to others who might be interested and share a love of 4-H and artful rural living.
If anyone wants to receive these messages directly, they can contact us at [email protected] or register to receive at https://www.mt4hfoundation.org/ Scroll to bottom of page to enter information.
Jane Wolery, Executive Director 406-209-8407
Kelsey Proue, Program Director 406-209-9938
Victoria Kirby, Student Assistant 406-209-9686
Jane Wolery
Executive Director
Kelsey Proue
Business Manager
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December 2024
4-H Will Take You Places!; Dec 4
Each year near the end of November, 4-H members from across the nation gather at National 4-H Congress.
For many attendees this means a culmination of hard work toward their goals. For Montana 4-H members it may mean winning a state 4-H contest or being selected as a state award winner. State award winners are selected from their applications that detail their three most recent years in 4-H and the progress they have made in project work, community service, leadership, learning, and more.
We wanted to share a video of a presentation that a 4-H member gave at a county event that details her journey to National 4-H Congress last year representing Montana 4-H. She started practicing young and honing her presentation skills. She had inspiration from those who had attended National Congress before her and who successfully left a legacy of excellence as an example for competing in the Communications Contest.
Here is what past attendees have to say about the National 4-H Congress experience:
"When I attended National 4-H Congress in 2017, I gained an insight into the breadth of 4-H programs, learned new skills and dances, and made amazing friends who I still stay in touch with today. The best part is the sharing of ideas between youth leaders. I was able to bring back the church clap dance which has only grown in state popularity, and shared the ice breakers used at my local 4-H camp. It is an invaluable experience that turns youth leaders into lifelong leaders." Andee Baker
"I attended National 4-H Congress November of 1975 in Chicago. I remember lovely meals with wonderful speakers sponsored by different companies. We toured the museums and other sites and of course had dances to attend with Miss America attending one as well." Susan (Arnott) Snyder
"I remember getting a phone call saying I had won a trip to National 4-H Congress based on my State 4-H Report Form application. I was so excited I screamed! It was quite something for me to go from our farm and class of six to Chicago for the trip. I remember one of the speakers and his message about accepting your circumstances as your power. I was interested in public speaking and journalism at the time. I toured a newspaper and saw a fax sent for the first time! They sent a note to the Texas office and that office wrote a note on it and returned it. It was remarkable at the time. It was a trip that gave me an opportunity to learn so many skills and built my confidence. I truly enjoyed the Montana delegation and meeting so many people from across the nation. I loved it!" Jane Wolery
"Attending 2016, National 4-H Congress was one of the most memorable trips I took in my teens—the sights, the culture, the food, it was all special. However, what stands out as the most valuable and impactful part of the trip was the relationships I built there that would last through college (at MSU!) and into my professional and adult life." Hannah Konen
"In 2022 I qualified to attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia. There, I made an incredible amount of friends and was honored to experience traveling to the Atlanta aquarium, the Coca-Cola factory, Atlanta History Museum and so much more! As well as this, I was selected to be one of twelve members of the National 4-H Youth Leadership Team. My time on this team allowed me to speak to the entire National Congress delegation while running assemblies and further my love for public speaking. I will forever cherish the memories that I have of National 4-H Congress and love getting to watch new 4-H members qualify to attend each year." Shelia Hamlen
"My National 4-H Congress claim to fame was my story from Congress ending up on Paul Harvey’s radio program. I went to Memphis in photography. I think it was 1997. It was my first experience with a large scale service project. I washed wheelchairs for a Memphis nursing home. It was awesome in Memphis, right off Beele Street. We had a sock hop on Graceland. Some Montana folks & I rented a limo to go to Mississippi and Arkansas to say we’d been there. I learned lasting and helpful etiquette lessons and how to best use a planner, which was great juggling the last of high school and then college. I also met people I saw again in college, and it was wonderful to have those friendships. I bumped into one old Congress friend at the Griz national championship game this year. The experience gave me a better sense of the nationwide scope of 4-H and how different regions shape the program in different ways" Kristen Inbody
Did you ever attend National 4-H Congress? Tell us a bit about your memories of how 4-H took you places.
If you would like to sponsor 4-H members who travel to National 4-H Congress, please reach out to us at [email protected]You can give the trip of a lifetime!
Please help our message fly across the nation by sharing this message with someone you know!
If anyone wants to receive these messages directly, they can contact us at [email protected] or register to receive at https://www.mt4hfoundation.org/ Scroll to bottom of page to enter information.
Jane Wolery, Executive Director 406-209-8407
Kelsey Proue, Program Director 406-209-9938
Victoria Kirby, Student Assistant 406-209-9686
Jane Wolery
Executive Director
Kelsey Proue
Program Manager
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Give Happy!; Dec 12
Did you know that the federal government has a massive workplace giving campaign that supports thousands of charities and nonprofits across our nation?
Did you know that Montana 4-H Foundation is among those nonprofits included in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)?
Our CFC number is 88533.
Please forward this message to federal employees or retirees you know who may want to contribute through the CFC Campaign. Give Happy!
If you have a workplace giving channel and can support the Montana 4-H Foundation, we would be so grateful for your contribution.
We often think of giving in terms of how it benefits the recipient. We deeply appreciate the many ways donors change the lives of our 4-H youth.
We also want to recognize the way giving helps the giver.
People who give generously have higher prosocial behavior according to various sources and research.
This means giving and generosity is good for communities and society.
Generosity improves your heart health.
Giving decreases your risk of mortality.
It strengthens immune systems and increases energy levels.
Generosity lowers risk of depression, anxiety, and low mood.
It strengthens relationships.
And, perhaps best of all, generosity is contagious! We could use catching a little more “good” in the world!
From Anthem EAP
People who give to others are generally happier, according to research.
“Spending money on others promotes happiness. Can money buy happiness? It depends on what you spend it on. A survey of 632 Americans found that spending money on other people was associated with significantly greater happiness, regardless of income, whereas there was no association between spending on oneself and happiness.
Why, then, do people not spend more of their disposable money on others? The prior study looked at that question, too. A significant majority of the participants predicted that spending money on themselves would make them happier than spending it on others. This suggests that people are not inherently aware of the happiness benefits that can come from spending their money generously, and that interventions that promote such spending may help increase societal happiness.”
From Greater Good Science Center
Please forward this message to federal employees or retirees (or anyone who wants to be happier) who may want to contribute through the CFC Campaign. Give Happy!
If anyone wants to receive these messages directly, they can contact us at [email protected] or register to receive at https://www.mt4hfoundation.org/ Scroll to bottom of page to enter information.
Jane Wolery, Executive Director 406-209-8407
Kelsey Proue, Program Director 406-209-9938
Victoria Kirby, Student Assistant 406-209-9686
Jane Wolery
Executive Director
Kelsey Proue
Business Manager
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January 2025
Thank you for being a DMP!; Jan 2
Happy New Year video from the Montana 4-H Foundation!
Length: 1 min 24 secs
Jane Wolery
Executive Director
Kelsey Proue
Business Manager
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Spread some Light. Share a Spark. Especially when it is Dark.; Jan 10